
This blog is intended to help me deal with the issues I am facing with IF(infertility). I release a lot of stress while writing. My hope is that others dealing with IF or trying to get pregnant will be able to read this as well and be able to relate or heck, make you feel better about yourself and your issues. Warning: This blog may contain strong language that may be not suitable for children and easily offended people. With that being said read at your own risk:) You've been warned!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

How to get through tomorrow

How the hell am I going to get through tomorrow? Oh, wait you will probably want a background of what is going to take place. I have had two coworkers who had babies within four days of each other. It was the fourth  child for one and the first for the other. I should preface this story with this as well, I consider both of them great friends. I am significantly closer to one than the other but they are wonderful people.  We are going to go see the first time mommy and by "we" I mean the fourth time mommy and myself. At first I was really excited about it but now thinking about the repercussions, I am really regretting my choice. I am going to be siting there without anything to add to the conversations. I just know it. Why oh why do I do this to myself.

I also had a grave realization today. I have been making baby gifts like crazy lately. There is a chance that I won't ever be able to make some for myself.

I know this post sucked balls but I am feeling crappy right now and nobody ever reads this anyway.

1 comment:

  1. hey there,
    you don't know me, but i read your blog. i have pcos and endo and have one child from ivf. we have been going through fertility treatments to have #2 for about 1 and 1/2 years now and have not been successful. anyway, you don't have to go tomorrow. doesn't matter that you said you would. doesn't matter if she's your bff, sister, cousin whatever. i have skipped birthdays, baptisms, left vacations early, canceled playdates and avoided people altogether... because i was over "babypalooza" and this is even with having a child of my own. no one else can possibly understand your pain. they wont get it, but if they really love you they'll get over it.
